We’re on YouTube!
Each Monday in 2017 we’ve been releasing a short video with leadership insights and challenges. The intent of our Weekly Thought Fuel videos is to give our alumni and friends something to think about to support you in your continued growth! Check it out, and subscribe to our channel! And if you’re not already on our mailing list, sign up so that you will get them delivered to your inbox each week. Read more...
The Map is Here!
We are so excited to announce to you that Keith and Karl’s book was released today! After two decades of refining our approach to transformational leader development and several years of actively writing, we want to share what we’ve found to be true about effective leadership with the world.
From your time with us, you hopefully remember the Leader Level model of Vertical growth which provides us with a “map” for how we can and should continue to grow over the course of our life’s journey. Read more...
Giving Thanks in the Neighborhood
“Would you just take, along with me, ten seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are? Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life…
Whoever you have been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they have made.” Read more...
Growing Up Bulldog
The Leaders Lyceum is #4 in Bulldog 100!
What happens when real needs meet real impact within organizations, teams and people? Growth happens! Our quest to accelerate growth for our client partners has also resulted in growth for The Leaders Lyceum.
Each year, the UGA Alumni Association recognizes the fastest growing businesses owned by alumni from The University of Georgia known as the “Bulldog 100” list. Read more...
UP to Date
Welcome to Elevate, the email newsletter and blog from The Leaders Lyceum. Our desire is to continue to serve the developmental growth of others, both those who have been through one of our Lyceum experiences before as well as those who have yet to join us! You are receiving this email because you’ve experienced growth with us individually or through your generous organization. Read more...