Widgets or Gizmos?
I recently got to revisit my youth and participate in a good old-fashioned field day. From the basketball lay up competition to the rubber chicken slingshot, the day was full of all manner of competitions. But nowhere did my team need to work together more than during the three-legged race. If you’ve ever had your leg tied to someone else’s, you understand the importance of moving in the same direction as your partner. Read more...
The Winning Team
Even if you’re not typically a soccer fan, it’s hard not to catch a bit of soccer fever during the FIFA World Cup. The composition of a soccer team demonstrates the first of the key mindsets of effective collaboration. If an entire team was comprised of the most accurate strikers, they’d score a lot of goals, but wouldn’t be able to defend their own goal against the opposing team. Read more...
1 + 1 = MORE
The prominence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining increasing attention as computing power, speed and size continue to advance. “AI” relates to computers simulating intelligent human behavior in order to reach successful outcomes. By computing standards 1 + 1 = 2, but I would argue that there are times when the more intelligent answer to 1 + 1, is something much greater than 2. Read more...
Busy is the New Fine
You may have noticed that you haven’t heard from us in awhile. We’ve been busy. I’ve been busy. I am always busy. Recently, I read the book More or Less by Jeff Shinabarger and was challenged by his chapter on our use of time, along with the rest of the book. Read more...
Gold Stars
Gold stars—small, shiny, colorful symbols of achievement used to motivate children for years. Whether it is for good behavior, completing chores or doing well on an assignment, gold stars are valuable and worth showing off. But what if gold stars weren’t just for children?
As we wrap up the first month of this new year, I’ll admit that I’m working hard to become healthier in 2014. Read more...
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Harry and David gift boxes. Starbucks gift cards. Fruitcake. Membership in the Jelly of the Month club (it is the gift that keeps on giving, after all!). This is the season of giving, and we often give gifts as a token of our appreciation. While these are all nice, I want to offer some suggestions from Tim Sanders, author of one of my favorite business book, Love is the Killer App. Read more...
Who’s Driving?
As leaders, our plates are full. We are all, at some level, evaluated and rewarded based on performance, which is often tied to results, bottom-lines, or project deliverables. With all of these important responsibilities to keep us occupied, who has the time or energy to add personal growth and development to the to-do list? Read more...
Baby Steps
Just like we can’t will ourselves to instantly lose 10 pounds and be able to run a marathon tomorrow, we can’t will ourselves to become the mature, effective leaders we want to be overnight. Getting in shape (both physically and developmentally) is a process, demanding we get off the couch and start the journey. Read more...