The Map is Here!

The_Map_coverWe are so excited to announce to you that Keith and Karl’s book was released today! After two decades of refining our approach to transformational leader development and several years of actively writing, we want to share what we’ve found to be true about effective leadership with the world.

From your time with us, you hopefully remember the Leader Level model of Vertical growth which provides us with a “map” for how we can and should continue to grow over the course of our life’s journey. Read more...

Disney or Bust!

Our team is in Orlando with a client this week, and getting off the plane, we couldn’t miss the fact that we are near Disney World.

If you’ve spent any time with us, you probably remember that Disney is our metaphor for our ultimate destination in our leadership journey. It’s the answer to questions like “who do you want to be?” Read more...

Commitments and Confessions

It’s January 8. One week after New Year’s Day. Confession time—how many of you have already broken your New Year’s Resolutions? How many of you knew that you would break it, so you didn’t even bother to make one? Research shows that of the 45% of Americans that make resolutions:

  • 25% give up by the first week (TODAY!)

A Third Way

I am not usually drawn into the fray of what’s happening in Washington, but I have to admit a certain level of frustration and disheartening in the wake of the government shutdown. According to October’s Washington Post-ABC News poll, I am not alone.  85% of Americans disapprove of the way congress is doing its job. Read more...

Desirable Difficulties

Challenge leads to growth. If you’ve been associated with The Leaders Lyceum for long, you know this as the core of our approach to fueling growth in perspective, readiness and capacity to be more effective. We believe that we don’t grow when times are easy but rather when we are challenged. Read more...

Who’s Driving?

As leaders, our plates are full. We are all, at some level, evaluated and rewarded based on performance, which is often tied to results, bottom-lines, or project deliverables. With all of these important responsibilities to keep us occupied, who has the time or energy to add personal growth and development to the to-do list? Read more...

The Art of Leadership

When you go to an art museum, what are you hoping to see? If you’re like me, you go to see the creativity and beauty that results from the vision of a master—someone who is able to see the world in a unique way and to express that vision to others. Read more...

Upgrades are a Way of Life

If you’re plugged in these days, you know that our computers and smartphones contain various operating systems—basically a structure to run the specific programs we use. As you’ve probably experienced (perhaps with much frustration), when apps and programs get too complicated to handle, the operating system performs inefficiently and can ultimately crash! Read more...

FAIL: A 4-Letter Word?

No one sets out to fail. Often, we go to great lengths to avoid failure. Beginning in our early years through school, sports and performances we learn that our work is evaluated and perfect is the desired outcome. This serves us well in many areas of life, motivating us to work hard and set high standards. Read more...

A Challenge. A Choice.

One simple fact of life: personal growth happens during difficult times. Think back on the events that have shaped your life. Everyone can quickly think of at least one challenging situation that had a significant impact on his or her life. Chances are that it was in some way unavoidable.

Rather than waiting for the next unavoidable challenge to come your way, what if you chose to grow by leveraging a smaller challenge you’re facing right now, one that you possibly could just sweep under the rug? Read more...

Not the Same Old Routine

Recently, I joined the gym again. I made a moderate attempt to work out a few days a week when my schedule allowed, and was shocked when a month later I hadn’t lost a single pound. Apparently the 30 minutes on the Stairmaster that used to keep me in shape wasn’t cutting it anymore and it was time for something different. Read more...

Baby Steps

Just like we can’t will ourselves to instantly lose 10 pounds and be able to run a marathon tomorrow, we can’t will ourselves to become the mature, effective leaders we want to be overnight. Getting in shape (both physically and developmentally) is a process, demanding we get off the couch and start the journey. Read more...

Time to Get Fit!

Reality at some point catches up with us all. Our favorite jeans no longer fit. We can wiggle and jump and twist to get into them, but it’s probably not a sight the world needs to see. Rather than surrendering to our decreasing metabolism, a reality check like this can serve as a catalyst for action. Read more...