Recently, I joined the gym again. I made a moderate attempt to work out a few days a week when my schedule allowed, and was shocked when a month later I hadn’t lost a single pound. Apparently the 30 minutes on the Stairmaster that used to keep me in shape wasn’t cutting it anymore and it was time for something different. I turned to my source for all of the best answers in the world: Pinterest. I spent hours searching through “pins” of fitness advice and workout routines trying to find the perfect workout routine that will instantly give me the results I want. (It’s too bad you can’t burn calories by pinning workout routines on your “Fitness” board—I would be high school skinny again!)
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the variations and advice out there. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for me may not work for you. The same can be said for personal development with all of the leadership and self-help books, how-to videos and seminars that exist. At some point you have to own your development and decide what works best for you.
If you tend to stay on your routine more consistently with a partner, then find someone who is willing to read a book with you that will lead to each of you gaining insights that you can share. Maybe you need honest feedback to push you to examine your strengths and to identify struggles that are holding you back. If so, find a method for making that happen, possibly through conversations where you give permission for “no holds barred” honesty about how you’re viewed by other or a 360 degree feedback assessment. If you do well when you know you’re accountable to someone else, a routine could be regular updates with your team regarding everyone’s growth opportunities and goals.
However you choose to pursue continued growth, what matters is being consistent and open to methods which will challenge your personal status quo and, like any great workout, will lead to change. Set your sights on the ultimate prize and get moving by taking baby steps. Results require action.