Keith M. Eigel, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Sr. Faculty
Keith Eigel is the founder of The Leaders Lyceum (lye-see-um), an organization dedicated to leveraging challenges to accelerate the leaderʼs journey to sustained effectiveness. He is co-author of The Map: Your Path to Effectiveness in Leadership, Life, and Legacy, and co-author of a forth coming book on personality, leader effectiveness and leveraging the diversity of perspective for team performance called The Vehicle. Keith is also one of the hosts of the Growing as Grownups podcast.
Over the last twenty-five years, Dr. Eigel’s research and writing has had global reach, being cited in academic and best selling publications on 5 continents. Keith and his team have honed a developmental curriculum that extends and leverages over sixty years research to help executive and next generation leaders measurably advance leader maturity, the best predictor of a leader’s effectiveness. Thousands of leaders from dozens of industries have been transformed by their experiences with The Leaders Lyceum. Additionally, Keith has been an executive coach to several C-Level Fortune 50 leaders and University Presidents.
Keith received his Masters and Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Georgia where he was elected to the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. He received his B.A. in Communication and Public Speaking from Georgia State University where he graduated with Honors. Keith is a member of the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology, and the American Psychological Association. Keith and his wife Leigh live in Atlanta and have four children, the oldest of whom is their daughter Alex, who lives in Los Angeles and works for Inspire.