What’s Your Story?

From an early age, we love to hear stories—whether it’s the prince saving the princess or the father who has helped his disabled son run over 1,000 races including 31 Boston Marathons and 6 Ironman triathlons (watch their inspiring story here—the email they read at the end is especially relevant). There’s just something about a hero’s fight to overcome challenges that draws us in and inspires us. While we may not have a children’s book written about our lives or be featured on the Today Show, we all have a story to tell.

I have found myself in several conversations lately with friends who have been wronged in some way and don’t know what to do about it. They are at a crossroads. Their natural reaction is to get even, to make the wrong known to others, or to give up completely. These paths seem easy and offer a promise of justice. However, the truth is that the end of this path holds regret rather than retribution. They know there has to be another path, but they don’t know what it is or if they can even take it.

My advice to them was to step out of the moment and into the future. I asked them, “What’s the story you want to tell?” Life is a “choose your own adventure” book where you get to determine how the story ends. It’s a fact of life—at some point your story will be told, either by you or by others. What do you want that story to be?

We believe it’s important to decide now what story you want to tell later—what your legacy will be. This will allow you to approach crossroads with intentionality and purpose, authoring your own story rather than leaving it in the hands of the world around you. The other path may be a rough, uphill climb rather than an easy, paved road, but you’ll be able to tell your story with pride at the end.

So, what’s your story?


Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing the stories of real people who have chosen to write their own stories, even when it was hard. We hope you find them as inspiring as we do.